Life Insurance
Their are many types of life insurance to fit individual needs and circumstance. Please enter your info below for a quote:
* Cheapest most common option
* Rate guaranteed for only the specified term
* At the end of the term the policy is over and no cash value exists
* Most policies are convertible to permanent policies without underwriting
* A return of Premium option is available where you get all of the premium you paid returned to you at the end of the term.
Permanent/Whole Life
* Generally 5 to 10 times more expensive then term insurance
* Builds cash value
* Can borrow against the policy
* Policy stays in force as long as premiums are paid or cash value exists.
* Living Benefits – Chronic Illness/Accelerated Benefit Riders
A few things go into rating: age, health, height/weight and tobacco use.
Please find life insurance rating below from best worst
Non-smoking Super Preferred |
Smoking Tobacco (non-cigarette, i.e. chewing tobacco) |
Preferred Best | Preferred Smoker |
Preferred | Standard Plus Smoker |
Standard Plus | Standard Smoker |
Standard Rated Rated (1 – 16) |